Eco Planning
Brand Identity and Editorial Design for waste collection and disposal company

Eco Planning is a door-to-door waste collection and disposal company that operates in the province of Mantova and Cremona. Their naming comes from the product they provide to every household they serve: a calendar that gives all the information about the door-to-door service and that promotes local activities through sponsored promotional areas avobe every page.
The brand identity I developed focuses on natural colors, such as green and brown, and the shape of a leaf. Eco Planning wanted me to portray their attention to recycling, raw materials and environmental protection.
The calendar I designed adheres to brand consistency: I used the same shades of browns and green and the same typography. I also created a communication system, through icons and symbols, to help the customers quickly understand which kind of waste is being collected, how they can dispose of their special trash and how to get information about Eco Planning.
Moreover, I took also care of the choice of the materials for the calendar: it’s entirely made of recycled components and the ink is eco-friendly too.
Eco Planning
Branding, Editorial Design